Hi! I Am

Wiza Munthali

Software Engineer

Crafting code with precision and creativity to produce innovative solutions for complex problems


Clients worked with worldwide


Projects done


Hello Illustration

Hi, my name is Wiza Spy Mbiriyawaka Munthali.

Graduation Illustration

Graduated from the University of Greenwich with a degree in Computer Information Systems, Information Technology. (Jun 2020)

Home Illustration

Blantyre Malawi Native, with a passion for designing UI and developing applications that will grow your business

Coding Illustration

As for my future, I hope to one day work for a company that inspires change and Innovation as an experienced Apps developer

Music Illustration

In my free time, you can find me kicking a football with my friends or at home playing the guitar, some video games and listening to music

Strengths Illustration

Some of my Strengths; User Interface Design, Application Development, Agile Development, System Analysis


Some of the skills I possess


Some of the databases and database management tools I use and enjoy.

Programming Languages

A range of programming languages I am well versed in as well some that I am continuing to learn.

Tools & Platforms

The tool and platforms I use to translate, transform and achieve my goals and ideas with efficiency and ease.

Libraries & Frameworks

The libraries and frameworks I use to design and develop amazing systems.

UI/UX Design

I have a knack for designing some beautiful UI, check some of my work under my projects.

Work Experience


Senior Application Developer /

MAR 2023 - AUG 2023

Junior Application Developer /

JUNE 2021 - MAY 2022

Mobile & Web Application Developer /



What I can do for you and your business

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? I can help you create a stunning and user-friendly online presence. I will ensure that your website is fast, secure, and easy to navigate. I can as well create a custom mobile app that is tailored to your business needs. And with my UI/UX design services, I'll make sure that your website or app is intuitive and enjoyable to use. Let me help you create a digital experience that your customers will love. Contact me today learn more.

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Web App Development

Web App Development

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Let's get in touch